The bride's older brother. He may have given the groom a hard time at the beginning, but the two have since bonded over Miami hockey and poking fun at the bride.
The groom's friend from adulthood. They met while spending the company's money touring the bars of NYC.
The groom's friend from adulthood. They met on the legendary NYC work trip and enjoy drinking beer and beating nerds at trivia.
The groom's fraternity brother from college. They lived together during the glory years of Mile High.
The groom's fraternity brother and pledge 'educator' from college. They once thought they won the trifecta at the Kentucky Derby.
The groom's friend from adulthood. They met while summer interning during the infamous 'Summer of 2016.'
The bride's younger sister and Maid of Honor. She keeps the bride in check and tells her when her outfits are tacky.
The bride's friend and roommate from college. She's a fellow coffee lover, as indecisive as the bride, and a good listener.
The bride's friend and sorority little from college. She appreciates the bride's obsession for a great deal & a really nice meal.
The bride's friend from college. She's easy going and understands the bride doesn't know how to chill.
The bride's friend and best brunch mate from college, even though she went to Bellarmine. Does anyone remember that fact?
The bride's friend from adulthood. They may have met via a groomsman, but the two can't stop talking when they're together.
The bride's friend from college and voice of reason. Councellor Laurel wrote the pre-nup.
The bride's oldest and wisest brother.