Ahh, the tales that have been told of a college romance. We'll get to all the highlights, but here's a little more about us.
Super hot, and doesn't live with his parents
A software engineer at Chase with a strong like for the Columbus Blue Jackets and the Cleveland Browns. He's an avid reader, and a Mr. Fix-It when it comes to all things house related.
A software engineer at Chase with an affinity for hot yoga. She's frequently caught reading with her eyes closed, but can normally be found cleaning the floorboards while prepping for a "casual" party.
She's blonde, smarter than the groom, 'nough said
Is better than yours.
In the picturesque college town of Oxford, Ohio, at a college frat party.
While attending semi-formals, day parties, and enjoying dinner together at the Brick Street Bar and Grill.
We upgraded our college furniture and spent days building items from IKEA. It was the true relationship test.
And not-so-patiently waited for him to love us. After 4 months of hiding under the bed, the shy cat from the shelter flourished into the Vladimir he is today.
We upgraded our IKEA furniture and turned a house into Vladimir's house. He still thinks we bought it just for him.
A time before the 'rona. Much to her suprise, he proposed at 7:15 am on a Friday morning, as she walked in the house from a yoga class. She said "YES" and there were tears. He had a full day of activities planned, including the day off from work!
In a surpise to most, we brought home a little miniature poodle. He and Vlad are fast friends, and now we live in a zoo.
We decided it was time to expand the zoo and buy Baby Arthur a yard. The boys love the extra space and we love to WFH in our new office spaces!