Some Background Info

Ahh, the tales that have been told of a college romance. We'll get to all the highlights, but here's a little more about us.


Andrew Cole Zody

Super hot, and doesn't live with his parents

And in her words...

A software engineer at Chase with a strong like for the Columbus Blue Jackets and the Cleveland Browns. He's an avid reader, and a Mr. Fix-It when it comes to all things house related.


Danielle Renee Borgerding

A software engineer at Chase with an affinity for hot yoga. She's frequently caught reading with her eyes closed, but can normally be found cleaning the floorboards while prepping for a "casual" party.

And in his words...

She's blonde, smarter than the groom, 'nough said

We Love Each Other

Our Story

Is better than yours.

  • First We Meet

    October 2013

    In the picturesque college town of Oxford, Ohio, at a college frat party.

  • Then We Date

    October 5th, 2014

    While attending semi-formals, day parties, and enjoying dinner together at the Brick Street Bar and Grill.

  • We Move into Our First Apartment

    June 3rd, 2017

    We upgraded our college furniture and spent days building items from IKEA. It was the true relationship test.

  • We Adopt Vladimir

    September 18th, 2017

    And not-so-patiently waited for him to love us. After 4 months of hiding under the bed, the shy cat from the shelter flourished into the Vladimir he is today.

  • We Buy Our First House

    March 27th, 2019

    We upgraded our IKEA furniture and turned a house into Vladimir's house. He still thinks we bought it just for him.

  • We Get Engaged!

    February 28th, 2020

    A time before the 'rona. Much to her suprise, he proposed at 7:15 am on a Friday morning, as she walked in the house from a yoga class. She said "YES" and there were tears. He had a full day of activities planned, including the day off from work!

  • We Welcome Baby Arthur to the Family

    November 10th, 2020

    In a surpise to most, we brought home a little miniature poodle. He and Vlad are fast friends, and now we live in a zoo.

  • We Move... Around the Corner

    August 6th, 2021

    We decided it was time to expand the zoo and buy Baby Arthur a yard. The boys love the extra space and we love to WFH in our new office spaces!